Creative Zone

HohoAd is the largest national transit media operator in Taiwan, dedicated to achieving publicity and exposure effects through Metro media by customizing creative advertisements for all types of clients.

Ticket Gateways

Ticket gateways stand at the entrance and exit of the station with a large passenger volume, to achieve the repeated exposures goal, an eye-catching advertisement to attract the crowds’ eyes.

Creates visual shock with repeated exposure
Attracts the focus with close distance
Crowd Reach
A large amount of crowd in-and-out ticket gate

Station Domination

The clear thematic site, using various layouts to express full detail of the brand creates deep memorable.

Continuous exposure of complete information
Create a cinematic feel with themed effects
Crowd Reach
Deeply connect with people in the region

Installation Art

Enhance brand awareness with fun games to create an interactive experience more effective than the plane ads.

Interactive experience with unlimited creativity
Create an interesting and fun trend topic
Crowd Reach
Catch all ages’crowd